Module 6: Rasters

 For this week's Module we worked with raster data to create a new raster by manipulating the data in a preexisting raster given to us. We began by importing the spatial analyst module, and checked out the extension spatial. I then created a new GDB to save my work to, instead of saving the completed raster as a .tiff file extension. I then isolated the forest cover layer of the raster by changing the landcover values of 41, 42, and 43 to 1, and reclassifying the landcover and remap values using the reclassify tool. I then created a temporary variable for both the slope and aspect values of the raster, and the conditions of the slope and aspect values for the calculations. I then combined these raster layers with and & phrase and saved the new final raster into the GDB I created at the beginning of the module. I had the most difficulty when setting up the reclassify tool, and chose the incorrect inputs several times before including the landcover file and the myremap reclassified values.
