Module 5: Damage Assesment


For this week's lab, we analyzed damage done by Hurricane Sandy along a stretch of New Jersey coastline. To do this, we first were given raster image sets of the piece of coastline both before and after the hurricane. Then, after this imagery was added to the map, we compared the pre and post hurricane imagery and created a feature class with data points that determine the extent of damage to structures within the analysis zone. This analysis has a limited scope due to the lack of ability to ground truth and determine the accuracy of the damage determinations. I then got three separate selections of distances 100m, 200m, and 300m. I first created one 100m buffer around the coastline. I then used that buffer as the input for the next buffer, and selected exclude the input polygon from the buffer and created a 100m buffer, and repeated that step for the 300m buffer. I then selected by location, and chose the structure damage that existed in each buffer ring, and got my data from the selection within the attribute table by ordering the selection by damage type. I used this date to fill out the attached table to analyze the extent of the damage based on distance from the coastline.
